The morning walk to Mbaka Oromo

Most mornings since our arrival a week ago we've walked the hour+ to Mbaka Oromo School. This may sound far, but the walk is breathtaking (and mostly downhill!), so the time flies.

We thought that since this was such an important part of our day, it would probably be good to take some photographs along the way to get a sense of our journey.

I'm not sure what order these will post in (these posts/photos have all come from my Blackberry), but we start at the Maseno Guest House, where we are staying. (Thank you, Monkey, for jumping into my photo this morning!) Then we continue up through Maseno University and out into the hills where, if it's rained heavily, our hiking shoes come in pretty handy in the mud!

We're hoping to get to an internet cafe soon to try to upload some of the amazing photos we've taken with actual cameras. They'll put these Blackberry photos to shame!



  1. Deborah
    May 22, 2010

    So cool to watch you walk to the schools. I had heard about this path so many times from Dan and Jim, so it is terrific to have a visual. Keep posting! Love,

  2. Bruce
    May 28, 2010

    I think walking to school at some point in your life is really good! Katie, its even better than the school bus!

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