Tis’ the (video) season

The annual marathon of fall fund raising is a strange thing. This year, as with every year, the e-mails and postcards and radio ads flutter into my life in a steady, at times indistinguishable stream. It’s easy to consider these end of year campaign blitzes a bunch of noise, but it reminds us that giving is such a psychologically complicated act. The combination of religious holidays and end of year self-reflection creates a spike in national empathy and fertile ground for fund raising (that is until the present ripping of Christmas morning and the debauchery of New Years eve arrive). Most importantly, if this is the brief window where caring about others has a chance to be on the national brain… let’s make it count.

Every video needs to take into consideration the context (including time of year) in which it is experienced. A video holiday card is a wonderful way to we’ve found to creatively approach this complicated time of year. Check out two such project we’ve worked on this season:

Also a wonderful/short NPR piece reminding us that there is an entire world of psychological study devoted to the act of giving.

Happy Holidays!


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